Wednesday, December 29, 2010

26 Weeks!

So here is 26 weeks. Definitely feeling much larger and out of breath a lot more. But all in all, feeling pretty good for being 6 months pregnant with Twins. They are moving like crazy, and one is sitting on my bladder, but they are behaving :) The Nursery is also in the midst of changing over from the guest bedroom, pics will come soon!
I won't have any new ultrasound pics for another 2 weeks, so hang tight!

Christmas at the Lotzes

Well here is our Christmas..... It was amazing. Quiet and very peaceful, we probably won't have another one like this for a VERY long time! We relaxed, made a very ugly gingerbread house, watched lots of movies and ate A LOT!! It was so nice not to travel or fly, and just have the 2 of us together. It was fantastic. We missed family, but were lucky enough to Skype with the Lotzes in Atlanta for a few hours on Christmas day. We hope everyone had as wonderful a Christmas as we did, and we are so looking forward to next year with our 9 month olds!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

24 Weeks 3 days

So the babies were not as cooperative as we had hoped. Baby A is so smushed underneath baby B, that we could not get a good shot. The middle picture is of baby A doing some Yoga with it's legs pulled up to it's face with it's arms wrapped around- very difficult to make out....
The top pic is Baby B's profile, and you can see it has it's feet pulled up to it's mouth as well! (that is a foot just to the right of the mouth.)
And lastly the bottom pic is of baby B...That is a great shot of the face with baby A's spine smushed up on the left side, and the placenta on the right side.
Baby A is weighing in at a hefty 1lb 14oz( 2 weeks ahead of schedule), Baby B is measuring right on time at 1 lb, 7 oz. They are doing fantastic!
I know these look crazy, but hopefully you can make something out. I don't go back for another 4 weeks, hopefully they will show more faces then!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

24 Weeks!

Ok here is 24 weeks!!! A major milestone!! They can now safely live outside of the womb( not that we want them here now, but they are capable!) I am feeling very pregnant, I can no longer stand for long periods of time, and get tired and out of breath very often. But all is all, this has been a fabulous pregnancy. I feel pretty good overall and they are moving around like crazy. Only 3 more months!!! The nursery is still 'in-process' but should be done by the end of the month. I've got a Doctor's appt on Tuesday, so hopefully they will show their little faces!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

22 Weeks

Here is 22 weeks, definitely feeling a lot more pregnant now. The little ones are moving like crazy, and growing rapidly. I am feeling so much more tired, and my ankles are dissapearing with all the swelling! The Doctor gave us our March 21st Scheduled C-section. This is 38 weeks,2 days..... so basically if they have not come on their own by that date, she will induce me. Let's hope they pick their own Birthday and come a little before that! Mike is hoping for St. Patricks Day :) We'll see!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

20 Weeks 3 days

So, We had our 20 week anatomy scan today, and the kids look fantastic. 4 chambers in the hearts, 2 kidneys in each, full bladders, and big bellies! And they are definelty not identical. You can see from the shots. As I had thought earlier, Baby A looks much more like me, with chubbier cheeks and Baby B looks more like Mike with a narrower face. They also have totally different noses, no idea where Baby A got the upturned nose from! I started crying in the ultrasound, because it was so amazing to see them, they were kicking at the Ultrasound tech the entire time. I was cleared to fly to Boston, so I am off on Saturday for a whirlwind week back home.

Lotze Visit 20 weeks

The Senior Lotzes joined us at our 20 week mark, and we had a spectacular weekend topped off with an amazing brunch at the Trump Golf Club in Palos Verdes. They also spoiled their grandchildren with their new Car seats, so that they can come home from the hospital safely!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Here we are at Halloween with my friend Lauren who is also pregnant and due about a week after me. Somehow dressing up in a sexy costume whilst being 18 weeks pregnant doesn't always look the cutest :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

13 Weeks

Here they are at 13 weeks, you have to look closely to see the "a" and "b".

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

10 Weeks/ 4 days- Moving like Crazy!!

You can start to see the little arms and legs, and it looks as though they are sleeping in little hammocks. This is the first time they really started to look like little babies!! We can't wait!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20th. 7wks, 6 days

So we went to the Perinatalogist yesterday just to check out everything was OK. Mike got to hear and see the heartbeats for the first time!! That truly is the moment when this all becomes so real. Everything looks great. They measuring fantastically, Baby B is a little bigger than Baby A, but they keep racing back and forth. I am not surprised that they are growing so well, I am starving 24/7. I will eat a huge meal, and within 2 hours my stomach is growling again. It is insanity! But I guess I am eating for 3! You can see how much they have changed just by the pictures. You can pretty much make out the head. They are about the size of a postage stamp right now. We are still deciding what hospital to deliver at, and therefore are undecided on the OB/GYN. I am seeing my regular one, but if we decide to deliver at Cedars, we are going to have to switch that up. So here are the pics of 7 weeks/5 days.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12th

We saw the heartbeats today!!! Baby A & Baby B have VERY strong little heartbeats! It was so utterly amazing, I started to cry, it all feels so real now. I even went out and bought some baby clothes today....despite the fact that we have no idea what they are.
My gut tells me a boy and a girl..... but my gut has been wrong before! I have been feeling VERY pregnant ; nauseous, bloated, exhausted, it has all really set in. Let's keep our finger's crossed that it doesn't get any worse ;)
This trimester really is the hardest. Not telling everyone is ridiculously hard- and I feel like I am lying at lot. All the worries and anxiety are pretty intense as well. I will be so relieved when we are at our 14 weeks and into our Second trimester. I am sooooo excited to be having twins, I cannot believe it!! Here are the heartbeats! The one on the left is baby A and the right is baby B, if you look close you can see them as well!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, August 3rd's been a while... VERY BUSY. We moved last week to a new place in Redondo and it's been insanity! I am officially 5 weeks 3 days today. Had my second ultrasound showing our TWINS!!! I had one last Thursday as well, which calmed our fears as far as Quads or Quints....whew. Twins, we can handle, anymore would have been c r a z y!
So they are growing at a fantastic rate and we should see heartbeats by next week!! This is so exciting I want to scream it from the rooftops, the absolute hardest part is not telling everyone. Mike is very superstitious, and does not want to tell anyone til 14 weeks. So I apologize to everyone who is reading this for the first time!
All I feel is very tired, and occasionally naucous when I am hungry. I have had excellent help from both Amanda and Kelsey moving all the stuff I can't lift. THANK YOU LADIES, I could not have done this without you!
OK, I am signing off. I will update when we have our more in-depth ultrasound next Thursday!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 Weeks today!

Ok, So Saturday July 24th, got my bloodwork this morning and it is crazy high!!( HCG over 1000) Could it be twins? or More?? We won't know that for another 3 weeks on an ultrasound. I went to Marci's shower today, and got even more excited about our new addition(s).
I am exhausted, and it is so hard to be around all my friends with out WINE!!! It is also hard to happy and smiley all day when you are exhausted and know all of this is going on inside you and you can't tell anyone..... that is the hardest part by far- keeping a secret ;) I want to scream it from the rooftops!!
I go in for follow up blood work on Monday, and we see where we are from there. We are thrilled no matter how many there are, and just hope for happy and healthy babies..... we might even go to church tomorrow- yes, I just said that. Signing off on a lazy Saturday night!
Love, Mo & Mike

Friday, July 23, 2010

We're Pregnant!

I found out yesterday that we are PREGNANT!!!! I have peed on over 6 tests so far. The blood work is not until tomorrow morning, but I am confident this is it!!! 6 Tests don't lie ;)

After a few months of trying, we are now more than ready to welcome the first baby to our family. April 2nd is the due date as far as I can calculate, so 9 months and we are off to the next chapter of our lives. WHOHOO!!

Busy timing though, moving in less than a week to a new great place in S. Redondo- luckily it already has a nursery (maybe that was a sign!). And then off to Boston and Antigua for Rossi & Kacey's wedding.

We have decided we are not telling anyone until after the First Trimester, just to be safe. We are also not finding out what we are having! So Exciting!

I will hopefully keep up with this blog as much as I can! Wish us luck as we embark on this journey. We are both over the moon about this!