Ok, So Saturday July 24th, got my bloodwork this morning and it is crazy high!!( HCG over 1000) Could it be twins? or More?? We won't know that for another 3 weeks on an ultrasound. I went to Marci's shower today, and got even more excited about our new addition(s).
I am exhausted, and it is so hard to be around all my friends with out WINE!!! It is also hard to happy and smiley all day when you are exhausted and know all of this is going on inside you and you can't tell anyone..... that is the hardest part by far- keeping a secret ;) I want to scream it from the rooftops!!
I go in for follow up blood work on Monday, and we see where we are from there. We are thrilled no matter how many there are, and just hope for happy and healthy babies..... we might even go to church tomorrow- yes, I just said that. Signing off on a lazy Saturday night!
Love, Mo & Mike
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