Friday, July 23, 2010

We're Pregnant!

I found out yesterday that we are PREGNANT!!!! I have peed on over 6 tests so far. The blood work is not until tomorrow morning, but I am confident this is it!!! 6 Tests don't lie ;)

After a few months of trying, we are now more than ready to welcome the first baby to our family. April 2nd is the due date as far as I can calculate, so 9 months and we are off to the next chapter of our lives. WHOHOO!!

Busy timing though, moving in less than a week to a new great place in S. Redondo- luckily it already has a nursery (maybe that was a sign!). And then off to Boston and Antigua for Rossi & Kacey's wedding.

We have decided we are not telling anyone until after the First Trimester, just to be safe. We are also not finding out what we are having! So Exciting!

I will hopefully keep up with this blog as much as I can! Wish us luck as we embark on this journey. We are both over the moon about this!

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