Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, August 3rd

Ok...it's been a while... VERY BUSY. We moved last week to a new place in Redondo and it's been insanity! I am officially 5 weeks 3 days today. Had my second ultrasound showing our TWINS!!! I had one last Thursday as well, which calmed our fears as far as Quads or Quints....whew. Twins, we can handle, anymore would have been c r a z y!
So they are growing at a fantastic rate and we should see heartbeats by next week!! This is so exciting I want to scream it from the rooftops, the absolute hardest part is not telling everyone. Mike is very superstitious, and does not want to tell anyone til 14 weeks. So I apologize to everyone who is reading this for the first time!
All I feel is very tired, and occasionally naucous when I am hungry. I have had excellent help from both Amanda and Kelsey moving all the stuff I can't lift. THANK YOU LADIES, I could not have done this without you!
OK, I am signing off. I will update when we have our more in-depth ultrasound next Thursday!

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