Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12th

We saw the heartbeats today!!! Baby A & Baby B have VERY strong little heartbeats! It was so utterly amazing, I started to cry, it all feels so real now. I even went out and bought some baby clothes today....despite the fact that we have no idea what they are.
My gut tells me a boy and a girl..... but my gut has been wrong before! I have been feeling VERY pregnant ; nauseous, bloated, exhausted, it has all really set in. Let's keep our finger's crossed that it doesn't get any worse ;)
This trimester really is the hardest. Not telling everyone is ridiculously hard- and I feel like I am lying at lot. All the worries and anxiety are pretty intense as well. I will be so relieved when we are at our 14 weeks and into our Second trimester. I am sooooo excited to be having twins, I cannot believe it!! Here are the heartbeats! The one on the left is baby A and the right is baby B, if you look close you can see them as well!!

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