Monday, January 24, 2011

30 Weeks!!

We hit 30 weeks this week!!! Less than 8 weeks to go!! And I have to say the pregnancy is going swimmingly. I had my OB appt today, and she said I was a prize patient. No gestational diabetes, no high blood pressure, my cervix is holding tight and the babies are growing fantastically. I feel great, and am still excersizing 4-5 times a week. The nights are getting more uncomfortable- as my breathing gets harder and my hips are killing me from sleeping on my side. It also doesn't help that I have had a cold for the past week. Being sick and pregnant is zero fun.
So I am suppossed to continue doing what I am doing, and get them to at least 34 weeks. She will not stop labor after 34 weeks.
Nursery pictures will be coming soon, Mike and I are finishing it up this weekend while he is on-call. It looks amazing so far, and I can't wait to share it with everyone!

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