So we had our 28 week ultrasound, and once again ...everything looks great. Baby A is measuring at 2lbs 14oz, and Baby B is measuring at 2lbs 7 oz. It is very normal to have them be different weights, after all they are different people!
We had a slight scare at the beginning of the week when I failed my initial Glucose test for Gestational diabetes, but after taking a 'not so pleasant' 4 hour fasting test, I PASSED!! Thank goodness I don't have to cut out my cookies and sweets! That would have been the longest 9 weeks imaginable :)
If you want to know what I am craving....it is sweets, cookies, cake....nothing good for me! So far I am doing well with the weight gain, and am at the lower end, so that is good. I think all the pilates and walking is paying off. I am trying to be as active as possible until it gets too uncomfortable.
I am unstoppable in the morning, but come afternoon, I am wiped out. Tying my sneakers, bending down is getting nearly impossible. If something falls on the floor- that's where it's staying!
The Ultrasound pics are not that great, as the babies get bigger and there is less room, the pictures are not going to be as good. Baby B is smushed right into the placenta, so the pics are very difficult to get.
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