Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20th. 7wks, 6 days

So we went to the Perinatalogist yesterday just to check out everything was OK. Mike got to hear and see the heartbeats for the first time!! That truly is the moment when this all becomes so real. Everything looks great. They measuring fantastically, Baby B is a little bigger than Baby A, but they keep racing back and forth. I am not surprised that they are growing so well, I am starving 24/7. I will eat a huge meal, and within 2 hours my stomach is growling again. It is insanity! But I guess I am eating for 3! You can see how much they have changed just by the pictures. You can pretty much make out the head. They are about the size of a postage stamp right now. We are still deciding what hospital to deliver at, and therefore are undecided on the OB/GYN. I am seeing my regular one, but if we decide to deliver at Cedars, we are going to have to switch that up. So here are the pics of 7 weeks/5 days.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday, August 12th

We saw the heartbeats today!!! Baby A & Baby B have VERY strong little heartbeats! It was so utterly amazing, I started to cry, it all feels so real now. I even went out and bought some baby clothes today....despite the fact that we have no idea what they are.
My gut tells me a boy and a girl..... but my gut has been wrong before! I have been feeling VERY pregnant ; nauseous, bloated, exhausted, it has all really set in. Let's keep our finger's crossed that it doesn't get any worse ;)
This trimester really is the hardest. Not telling everyone is ridiculously hard- and I feel like I am lying at lot. All the worries and anxiety are pretty intense as well. I will be so relieved when we are at our 14 weeks and into our Second trimester. I am sooooo excited to be having twins, I cannot believe it!! Here are the heartbeats! The one on the left is baby A and the right is baby B, if you look close you can see them as well!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday, August 3rd's been a while... VERY BUSY. We moved last week to a new place in Redondo and it's been insanity! I am officially 5 weeks 3 days today. Had my second ultrasound showing our TWINS!!! I had one last Thursday as well, which calmed our fears as far as Quads or Quints....whew. Twins, we can handle, anymore would have been c r a z y!
So they are growing at a fantastic rate and we should see heartbeats by next week!! This is so exciting I want to scream it from the rooftops, the absolute hardest part is not telling everyone. Mike is very superstitious, and does not want to tell anyone til 14 weeks. So I apologize to everyone who is reading this for the first time!
All I feel is very tired, and occasionally naucous when I am hungry. I have had excellent help from both Amanda and Kelsey moving all the stuff I can't lift. THANK YOU LADIES, I could not have done this without you!
OK, I am signing off. I will update when we have our more in-depth ultrasound next Thursday!