So the babies were not as cooperative as we had hoped. Baby A is so smushed underneath baby B, that we could not get a good shot. The middle picture is of baby A doing some Yoga with it's legs pulled up to it's face with it's arms wrapped around- very difficult to make out....
The top pic is Baby B's profile, and you can see it has it's feet pulled up to it's mouth as well! (that is a foot just to the right of the mouth.)
And lastly the bottom pic is of baby B...That is a great shot of the face with baby A's spine smushed up on the left side, and the placenta on the right side.
Baby A is weighing in at a hefty 1lb 14oz( 2 weeks ahead of schedule), Baby B is measuring right on time at 1 lb, 7 oz. They are doing fantastic!
I know these look crazy, but hopefully you can make something out. I don't go back for another 4 weeks, hopefully they will show more faces then!